Website redux in progress. Please excuse the glorious mess…

A reasonably uneventful day — the typical Wednesday, with dull class punctuated by dull work. Tired today, which made things nearly unbearably slow on all fronts.

Comics are the usual lot this week, though I find that I’m not terribly excited about anything in the batch, with the exception of DK2 — Frank Miller makes comics fun again, and in a ridiculously big way — without sacrifcing any meaning at all. Quite the contrary — large amounts of commentary running through this series. I was hesitant, but I have to say that I dig it. At any rate, new reviews are up at revolutionsf, or will be once Shane posts ’em. The writing for that eluded me tonight — I just don’t feel on at the moment.

TIN CUP is an entertaining film, though a bit on the slow paced side. Could’ve used a bit more editing, in my humble opinion. Rene Russo is absolutely gorgeous — though I prefer her in the LETHAL WEAPON type roles more, from the actress standpoint. Her character in TIN CUP seemed like it was written for Susan Sarandon (which, I should add, Russo still pulled off well). Costner in one of his better roles.

Listened over the phone as James talked to his future stepson today — what a strange thing to hear. The little brother that I remember picking on and playing with is going to be a father[figure] before me. More power to him, in some ways — I just don’t know that I’m ready yet, and I hope he is. Tina’s a great girl — James, it would appear, has finally broken free of the dangerous girl trap. And earlier than I managed, too…

Ed Easter came by to pick up the script for MOON tonight. He seems excited, and I’m glad. Ed is a talent, and I’m glad to have him on board. With him, David, and Mom, there’s no reason that the acting in MOON shouldn’t be phenomenal. Now I just have to hope that I’m up to acting and directing it, and that the technical ends work out okay. But’s that a worry for a later time.

Melissa and I discussed briefly the role that the actor and the director play in bringing out a good performance — while I agree with her that the actor bears responsibility for the part, the director can certainly stop the action and make adjustments where necessary. For thought: would ROBIN HOOD: PRINCE OF THIEVES have been better received if Costner’s accent hadn’t fluctuated from bad British to American, but instead remained American throughout? I would argue that it would have, if only because suspension of disbelief would have been easier.

My sleep schedule is badly out of whack, and it’s my own damned fault. And I don’t feel like correcting it right now.

Ridiculous spring day, for the third in a row. It was nice, admittedly, with the wonderful pain of reminscence, but I’m not ready for that yet. Give me until March, or preferably April. Let me enjoy the cold, and give me snow, while you’re at it. I would say that’s not too much to ask, but I am in Birmingham…

Jhonen Vasquez is a beautifully demented creator. I must work with him on a black comedy one day. Or perhaps a musical. Like JESUS CHRIST, SUPERSTAR, only with dolls and paint.

To do tomorrow: ignore horoscope, pretend to still care about FRIENDS, and pet Cassidy more.


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