Originally uploaded by abstract visionsound.
Sunday, 8/22: A return to Atrox in Leeds to shoot what will ostensibly be the last shots for Chance Shirley’s Hide and Creep. My part in the day includes helping out wherever I can in reshooting Jim Roberson’s scene (he’s the Pick-Up Truck Zombie who eats the government agent’s head), and to get shot.
Not really shot, Mom. Just hit in the stomach with a cotton ball soaked in blood.
It occurred to Chance that he hadn’t any shots of zombies getting hit anywhere other than in the head, so while it is said that only head shots stop the zombies, it’s not shown. Thus, the purpose of today’s pick-up.
Chance offers, as any good filmmaker should, to take the first shot from the goregun to prove that it won’t hurt, and I tell him not to bother getting blood all over himself — how bad will it hurt, after all?
And so we line up the scene I’m in, and the camera rolls, and I hit my mark, and I go past my mark, and then the gun finally goes off, and there’s no pain in my stomach, but suddenly I can’t see out of my left eye.
Fucking marksmen.
It didn’t hurt, fortunately, though I lost a contact to a permastain of fake blood. And it should make for a great outtake — every tells me that the look on my face when it happened was priceless.