I’ve got a million of ’em, folks.
Should you ever hear that root canals are painful, call the speaker a puss. Or tell him to go see my dentist, Dr. Edwin Smith — the man ROCKS, folks. I’ve never had a less painful dental procedure. And I know it’s only part I of three or four (still have to have the tooth filled, then fitted for a crown, then crowned), but damn, that was not bad at all. I honestly could have fallen asleep during the procedure had I tried.
Now, that extraction I’ve got coming up, on the other hand…
Yeah, I’m a baby when it comes to the dentist. I have panic attacks when I go get my teeth cleaned. If I had to get anything drilled or crowned, I’d have to be heavily drugged.
I have to agree Kenn, the root canals and crowns are not nearly as bad as people say, neither is having impacted wisdom teeth taken out… enough drugs anything feels good.
Having a tooth extracted by a dentist (as opposed to an oral surgeon, who can use IV anasthestics to knock your happy ass out) is, on the other hand, the most unpleasant thing you will ever experience. Not painful, if the novocaine does it’s job, but the tugging sensation as the molar’s roots are pulled from their rightful place, twisted up with nerves and jawbone… it’s akin to having someone remove you toe through your mouth. NOT fun.
And I’ve got one coming up…
your cat still has worms coming out of its butt!
And you’re still looking directly at my cat’s butt.
P.S. You’re a sick fuck.