Hey you. Long time, no chat. But that’s largely because you seem to have dropped off the face of the universe.
You’re not dead, are you? I’m pretty sure I would have felt a disturbance in the Force if you were. So let’s proceed as though you are still alive — me writing, you reading, and perhaps, at some point, you writing back… Maybe just a smoke signal to say that you’re still breathing.
Last we spoke, things had taken a turn for the worse — that’s why I ask. I don’t want to pry, so if I am, tell me and I’ll quit.
Ah! Yes, I was trying to trick you into telling me something… Anything…
Oh, and I wanted to let you know that I traced the source of that leak. It’s exactly what I thought it was. Totally out of my hands and irreparable. Oh, well. The best I can do is never use that sink again. And I’m really sorry that you got wet because of it, but — well, that’s the way leaks work, eh? You don’t see them happening until you get wet.
Been thinking about what happens from here, and I think I’ve figured it out. That is, I figure that you’ve probably got to stay away, maybe for good. If you’re where I think you are, at least. And I can’t be honest and say that I agree with it, or that I’m happy about it, but I understand; really, I do. Do whatever you need to do to find peace — I don’t think that you’re looking in the right place, but what do I know? I’m not you. And I also have a tendency to ignore advice from others, so why am I offering it?
There was a shooting star in the general direction of your house last night. In fact, it was falling directly toward you, now that I think about it. And I’m not one to make wishes, but I did. I wished for you to find your happiness, to be able smile (and mean it) again.
I hope you’re well. Even if you’re not, I think you will be.