Entertainment Weekly’s EW.com | Movie Review: Crash: “Role for role, the acting is superb, and the cinematography is strong, with a stylistic emphasis on blur and confusion interrupted by knife-carved incidents of prejudice and consequence (aurally stitched by Mark Isham’s anxious electronic score)”
Quite possibly one of the strongest movies that I’ve ever seen. Perhaps largely because this one came out of nowhere — there was no hype that I was aware of, and going in I had very little idea what the movie was about — but it completely and utterly exceded anything I had hoped for in a Saturday afternoon showing.
There was nothing wrong with this film. More importantly, the acting, editing, score, and cinematography — oh, man, the cinematography — were fucking BRILLIANT. Paul Haggis inspired me today, showing that a truly great film across all levels can still be made and find and audience.
I can’t wait to see this film, nice review