“Let’s not ruin the fun of debauchery with romance.”
-Neely Harris
“Let’s not ruin the fun of debauchery with romance.”
-Neely Harris
One small misstep and that phrase becomes “martial bliss.” That’s funny to me.
Because really, there’s such a thin line between love and war.
The ceremony, I imagine, was beautiful. I was in meetings until 6 PM, so I wouldn’t have any way of knowing for sure — though brides and grooms all seemed incredibly happy about where they were, and that’s all that matters.
Glad that it happened for all four involved. Four really good people who all deserve each other — in their respective pairings, I should say. Double weddings required careful semantics…
And the after-party reception was nice. Got to see a lot of people that I don’t see often enough, a few more that I haven’t seen in what may be years, and only a few that I was hoping had been hit by trucks and eradicated from the planet.
All in all, the best wedding that I’ve been to in quite some time.
You know, I keep trying to type “wedding” as “weeding.” I wonder what that says?
I’m not sure whether PostSecret was set up as an art concept or something more scientific or philosophical. Whatever, it’s an extremely moving experience. Keeping in mind that some of this is art, surely — and therefore expressly created with an emotionally manipulative component. That said, there’s some stuff on here that is pretty powerful, even with a grain of salt.
[thanks to OuterNet]
CNN.com – Texas House to cheerleaders: Don’t shake it – May 5, 2005: “Texas lawmakers sent a message to the state’s high school cheerleaders Wednesday: no more booty-shaking at the game.”
You can pummel yourselves into oblivion on the football field, but don’t you dare turn anyone on while cheering them on.
Something is backwards here….
Oh, yeah. Texas. America. Never mind. I remember now.
Even consequences have consequences.
In other news, my finger appears to be slowly dissolving, as though I were dipping it into the acid well I keep in the back yard each night.
Hey, the bodies have to go somewhere…
Q: What do you call a black guy flying a plane?
A: A pilot, you fucking racist.
The bridal ‘grab and run’ : printer friendly version: “‘Every good marriage begins in tears,’ a Kyrgyz saying goes.”
Hell, at least if they begin that way, the ending’s no big surprise, right?
Time : “Thusly, introverted people often measure large periods of time happening in very short periods of time, in relation to the measurements which might be derived if one were to focus on the outside world as a means of time measurement. Because of this, introverted people are prone to ‘losing track of time’, as they may perceive that, on a general basis, large amounts of time pass between events in ‘reality’ which most people would consider to be temporally significant but which they themselves would not find any significance, relative to their own perception of the passage of time. Therefore, introverted people are more likely to spend ages thinking about ‘something else’ and to not realize when a large amount of time has actually passed in terms of a system of temporal measurement they have no interest in maintaining. If a large amount of time spent thinking is equal to a short amount of time in ‘outside reality’, then it becomes difficult to distinguish at which point a large amount of time has transpired in ‘reality’ without counting, equating and making differences with the apparent time-frame of outside reality. However, no experiments confirm or discount this hypothesis so far.”
[Wikipedia scares me. You can follow links forever and still keep going on to new things. My head hurts.]
What exactly is the heat death of the universe and where can I find out more?: “The ‘heat-death’ of the universe is when the universe has reached a state of maximum entropy. This happens when all available energy (such as from a hot source) has moved to places of less energy (such as a colder source). Once this has happened, no more work can be extracted from the universe. Since heat ceases to flow, no more work can be acquired from heat transfer. This same kind of equilibrium state will also happen with all other forms of energy (mechanical, electrical, etc.). Since no more work can be extracted from the universe at that point, it is effectively dead, especially for the purposes of humankind. ”
[more in link]
Hey you. Long time, no chat. But that’s largely because you seem to have dropped off the face of the universe.
You’re not dead, are you? I’m pretty sure I would have felt a disturbance in the Force if you were. So let’s proceed as though you are still alive — me writing, you reading, and perhaps, at some point, you writing back… Maybe just a smoke signal to say that you’re still breathing.
Last we spoke, things had taken a turn for the worse — that’s why I ask. I don’t want to pry, so if I am, tell me and I’ll quit.
Ah! Yes, I was trying to trick you into telling me something… Anything…
Oh, and I wanted to let you know that I traced the source of that leak. It’s exactly what I thought it was. Totally out of my hands and irreparable. Oh, well. The best I can do is never use that sink again. And I’m really sorry that you got wet because of it, but — well, that’s the way leaks work, eh? You don’t see them happening until you get wet.
Been thinking about what happens from here, and I think I’ve figured it out. That is, I figure that you’ve probably got to stay away, maybe for good. If you’re where I think you are, at least. And I can’t be honest and say that I agree with it, or that I’m happy about it, but I understand; really, I do. Do whatever you need to do to find peace — I don’t think that you’re looking in the right place, but what do I know? I’m not you. And I also have a tendency to ignore advice from others, so why am I offering it?
There was a shooting star in the general direction of your house last night. In fact, it was falling directly toward you, now that I think about it. And I’m not one to make wishes, but I did. I wished for you to find your happiness, to be able smile (and mean it) again.
I hope you’re well. Even if you’re not, I think you will be.