Scramble: Hour Eight

Well, so far, so good. I have a massive headache — not from the stress of the Scramble, even. No, I’m too much of a goof for that; this is justt a low blood sugar headache from having forgotten to eat today.


I underestimated the ease of having a “Romance” (genre) “Buddy picture” (style). Yeah, it seems easy, until you try to combine the two, in under five minutes, without taking an easy, stereotypical approach.


But somehow, in spite of itself, script by committee seems to have worked. I pitched the idea, and after a shitload of hammering by cast and crew alike, we finally came up with something that (I think) everyone is happy with. Which is both good and absolutely amazing. And it features inspiration items, locations, and genre/style in creative ways, I think.

I hope.

I think I’ll not try that again, though — the script by democracy thing. Nor will I have a set number of actors — although that’s a bitch, ’cause you want to make sure you have enough quality in the actor department, but too many and you have a hard time writing a good script.

I feel especially bad because I begged Melissa to do this, and her part is not at all big. In fact, it’s not even terribly good — Michael and Kevin have a real chance to shine here, but none of the girls really do. And I feel terrible about that. I really wanted to give Melissa a chance to shine.

So at 2 AM, the script is written. We’ve done a few read throughs, and the location (Kevin’s house) is secured, which knocks out a ton of potential problems in advance (power, lighting, etc.). We’re back up at 9 AM, which should, amazingly, allow me to get three or so hours of sleep — which I’m not sure how to react to. But I’m going to take advantage, if only to make the editing process a little less painful and drawn out.

And then it’s back to my other job – producer – and making sure that ‘t’s are crossed and ‘i’s dotted.

And then I’ll eat a bottle of Xanax and sleep for a week.

Back to getting credits in shape.

If these words were people, I would embrace their genocide.

Wonder how the author feels about being mentioned in blogs?

There’s a pretty good collection of points here, though…

If these words were people, I would embrace their genocide.: “The ‘blogosphere’ is the new buzz word that has replaced ‘information super highway.’ It’s what idiots like to call a collection of ‘blogs,’ otherwise known as a tragedy.”

I should blog my dinner conversations with Wade

The Huffington Post | The Blog: “The blanket coverage of London terrorism is a terrible blow to Nancy Grace, Arubans, meteorologists, shark specialists, sexual predator experts, Tom Cruise, creationists, anti-sodomites and all other culture warriors and whackball fear-mongers who until now have owned the media. Just when watching the news was finally beginning to feel the way it did in the summer of 2001 — terrifying, and yet inconsequential — the media have forced us to go cold-turkey on crapola. One can only hope that this subsides soon. There will be much to say about Jennifer Garner’s pregnancy. Journalistic integrity demands that it once again be given the attention it deserves.”

I wasn’t going to comment on this… so I’ll let London do it for me.

A Letter To The Terrorists, From London :: The London News Review: “…Because if this is a message to Tony Blair, we’ve got news for you. We don’t much like our government ourselves, or what they do in our name. But, listen very clearly. We’ll deal with that ourselves. We’re London, and we’ve got our own way of doing things, and it doesn’t involve tossing bombs around where innocent people are going about their lives.

And that’s because we’re better than you. Everyone is better than you. Our city works. We rather like it. And we’re going to go about our lives. We’re going to take care of the lives you ruined. And then we’re going to work. And we’re going down the pub.”

Prepare to be Scrambled…

For anyone interested in particpating in a Scramble without actually particpating, check here all weekend. I’ve decided to blog the entire thing.

Which means, of course, that you not only get to see how a Scramble happens from start to finish in nearly real time, but you get to watch my personality progress across 48 hours without sleep.

Should be fun — if by fun you mean, “more and more stupid as time passes.”

Not to mention the documentary crew that will be shadowing me/us all weekend. Whee.

But on the bright side, we’ve got a helluva cast — Michael Shelton, Mia Frost, Kevin Van Hyning, and Melissa Bush, among other potentials — and a great crew, including Chance Shirley, Eric McGinty (hopefully), and a lot of eager others.

I’m hoping this will be the one that I watch fondly and proudly.

Your Weekly Eye Opener


Your Weekly Eye Opener: “Be prepared. The moment the unwelcome coworker enters your office, put on a mouth guard, start wrapping your hands in boxing tape and calmly state, �It�s go time.�

Find common interests. Immediately interrupt the coworker�s greeting by asking, �Have you found Jesus?� Then just as quickly answer, �Because I already did. This morning. In my cereal box. And just between you and me, I always thought that He would be taller.� ”

There are plenty more in the link. Go. Read. Chuckle softly into your pillow.

And stop touching yourself, please.