…but this was instead

Wishing for snow in the deep south is somewhat akin to jumping alleyways from short buildings. If you make it, happy day. But if you don’t, you’re just gonna end up miserable and wishing you had never thought about it in the first place.

And so here it is, about 38 degrees and raining a lot. That’s a lot of fun.

Waiting for vacations is never fun, but toss in weather like this, and the 3 1/2 days between me and the twelve hour drive out of here is just going to drag like no one’s business.

But on the other hand… Chicago calls, and who am I to refuse? That city is big, and I have no doubt would kick my ass if I got insolent and said “no,” so… Hell, that’s what new cars are for, anyway, right?

2 thoughts on “…but this was instead

  1. Hey, it’s just a weekend vacation. Which will probably be filled with looking at job markets and costs of living and apartment availability…

    Oh, who am I kidding? I’m going to be too busy having fun to do anything productive… Which suits me just fine, thank you…

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