…is in the latest issue of Birmingham Weekly, out on stands now. This is the annual official guide to City Stages (or, as I’ve taken to calling it, a reminder of what we used to listen to), in which I write about the local musicians fortunate enough to have an opportunity to melt in front of crowds of three to fifteen. This year’s lucky victims of my mangled short plugs: Caddle, Bloodlet Signature, The Shame Idols and Kiss Me at the Gate, among others.
Go, pick up a copy. You can always put it to use later when you need to wrap your dishes next time you move.
Or read it online. Hahahahahaha — just kidding.
Kiss Me at the Gate made it onto my Stages mix CD.
You say that as though I’m the credited webmaster for the Birmingham Weekly.
Goddamn, you never miss an opportunity to plug, do you?
I learned from the best. Then I learned from you.
I’m still mixed up.