Art Teacher Loses Job After Kids See Nude Sculpture: Children Were On School-Approved Field Trip
I’m still trying to figure out what people are so afraid of when it comes to the human body. I’m also amused that we seem to have no ethical problem exposing kids to violence, but an unclothed human body — something that we all have, mind you, that we are born with, that nature dictates will unite us as a species — is the greatest sin of all.
Okay, fine: we can’t say “fuck” on broadcast television or radio; it’s just a word, and I think it’s stupid, but the majority of the people don’t want their kids hearing such language, so we keep it off the public airwaves. I can type it here all I want — fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck — and nothing happens, and kids can read that. Seriously — any kid, anywhere.
And again, I have an issue with the balance apparent (or not) here. We go out of our way to prevent our kids from hearing words, or combinations of words — when it’s up to the listener to give those words power, not the speaker — but we have no problem with (in fact, seem to encourage) them listening to lies, slander, and all the other crap inherent with politics (and a lot of religion).
We can show the inside of the human body, but not the covering. Everyone I know thinks the latter is beautiful, and the former disturbing if not downright disgusting (hey, we’re only meat, guys); in essence, we’re discouraged from the beauty in the world.
I think someone should market child-sized blinders. Those would make someone a fortune, if pitched right to the puritanical crowd that seems to think that pleasure is not something to be experienced in this lifetime.