(This is probably not something that is followable; in fact, I imagine it’s going to sound utterly nonsensical when I look back on it once removed from this train of thought. But it’s bouncing around in my head, and even if it turns out to be another abandoned dead end in my Quest for Ultimate Understand of the Universe Around Me, it might make for a good short screenplay.)
Matter and energy are interchangable, yes? Neither can be created or destroyed, only converted back and forth.
Boy, if that’s not true as I remember it, then the rest of this falls completely apart…
The brain is driven by electrical current. Our thoughts, feelings, dreams — everything about us boils down to a series of electrical impulses jumping from neuron to neuron.
So when we die, what happens to this energy? It has to go somewhere, right? And perhaps this energy is imprinted with some part of ourselves — the same thoughts and feelings and dreams that that energy helped shape for X number of years. This is probably not a new thought — it certainly flows along with the ideas of reincarnation and past life regression.
But then, take it a step further, and split that energy, mix it in with the rest of the energy floating around through the universe. Some of it might become light eventually, or power a jet headed for Boston, or kinesthecize (that’s totally made up, I know) a comet moved through space. Some of it might mix with other energy, though, and eventually become part of another person, shaping their thoughts and feelings and dreams. And maybe part of an animal, too.
Maybe this helps explain kindred spirits, and pets that feel so naturally connected to you, and why some people feel like old souls and some don’t…
And maybe I should start my meds again.
Nothing gets the blood flowing in the morning like dissecting the effects of quantum physics on human emotion.
Ow! I hurt my brain!