Thankful for the following:
- I don’t live in Atlanta, nor do I have to drive through there very often. What a nightmare — even at 5 AM in the morning, the 6,714 lane interstates are more densely populated than any road anywhere in Birmingham.
- I don’t have to drive any interstate in the morning, which prevents me from ever ending up on a three-lane interstate cum parking lot, as I did for about an hour today just outside of Clemson.
- I’m done with the Christmas shopping for 2006. I’d be even more thankful if I were done wrapping.
- Family, friends, band, and job(s). This goes without saying, but maybe too often.
- CL.
These are just the basic thanks, but I’m too tired to be more detailed. Stop critiquing and go enjoy your turkeys and your football games and your Black Friday preparations.