Scaremongering versus Giving a Smile: who’s to say who’s right?

I’m glad that there are people like Jon Stewart out there to balance the world’s Hannitys and Limbaughs and Becks. And I will say that, in fairness, partisan politics is ridiculous on both sides — but the right wing faces tend to look just plain out nutty. Like, scary, unbalanced-in-the-head crazy. Teched, as they say. The left wing faces — Stewart, Al Franken (in his books, at least) — come across as educated, rational, and entertaining.I’m not so much a Democrat — or even left-wing, I think — as I am wandering my own road, by the way.

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Convinced I’m wakingdreaming

Either my dental surgery went horribly awry and I’m in the process of a slow death (think Jacob’s Ladder) or I didn’t wake up this morning and I’m gonna be REALLY fucking late.

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Satriani v. Mr. Paltrow

From MSNBC, in an article about Joe Satriani’s lawsuit against Coldplay:

Satriani’s song “lacks originality,” Coldplay’s response claims, and shouldn’t receive copyright protection.

Musicians of the world: this officially frees you up to change the lyrics mildly (only because — who the fuck wants to be caught singing the original lyrics?) to any Coldplay song and make all the money you want with no fear of reprisal.

Dear Chris Martin:

People who live in bland, uninspired, utterly-lacking-in-originality houses should be very, very careful about throwing stones.

People who like real music.


It’s all about perspective: finding a good one, or at least one that entertains you, and sticking with it. In another life you might have been a star… but in another life you’re always lonely. This is the life you have. Whether it’s good or bad is what you do with it, how you choose to view it, what point of view you take looking out around you every day.

Michael J. Fox deserves a lot more attention from you. Even in the face of Parkinson’s Disease, he still keeps moving forward, and being positive.

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(All that aside — Stewart makes a good point. How in the hell do he still look so young?)

It’s not unlike Jason Becker, who continues to make music (indeed, who continues to wake up day after day) well past the life expectancy that doctors gave him. He suffers from ALS (Lou Gehrig’s) and refuses to let it affect him any more than it has to.

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Yeah, I have a rough time with money, with health. I’m a little bitter about some things that I’ve gotten, or not gotten, or that have happened or not happened.  We all have our issues.

Today, at least, I’m choosing to be more like Jason and Michael, and seeing those issues as nothing more than challenges, and not even big ones.

Sooooooo close…

So. There’s a new movie coming out in a few weeks.  I’ve been a little skeptical of it, wary.  There’s far too much that can go wrong in the translation of comic to screen.

And now I’ve seen the movie.  And it’s got it’s problems, but nothing unforgivable.  In fact, it’s been pretty good, up until about 75 minutes in.  And then… ? Then it all goes to shit.

See, as I was telling my wife earlier, I’m okay with tweaking continuity up until a point.  There’s stuff that has to get compressed and changed so that 30+ years of comic history can be distilled down for an audience that only has 90 minutes.  The problems I have are the utterly unnecessary continuity changes.  Like taking a character played by, say, Ryan Reynolds, and totally fucking him up (I’m fairly certain that the planned spinoff that’s been rumored is either impossible or will completely jump the rails).  Like creating family relationships for ABSOLUTELY NO REASON WHATSOEVER.


So, yeah, I’ll still go see the movie, probably, but I’ll always wonder why a studio can’t treat it’s own property with more respect.

Lie To Me

I know not many people read this blog, but maybe you few can help me spread the question and I can get an answer.

I’ve been enjoying the new series “Lie To Me” (starring Tim Roth — excellent procedural, in the same vein as “House”, only dealing with microexpressions and body language instead of medical mysteries).  It’s generally really well done, and even with a lead character who is somewhat arrogant and standoffish, you still find yourself really liking the group (at least, I do).  This week’s episode, though — something just struck me as off, and I really don’t like any of the core characters that much.

It’s not the story issues — I found those fascinating, actually, dealing with suicide and finance theft.  I don’t commonly notice directors, but that might have been it…

Anyone else watch the show and notice the same thing?  If you don’t watch the show, consider this a recommendation.