Warren Ellis says it best, again…

“I’ve generally avoided talking about this, because my brain is in a blender as it is. But now it feels like it might be worth doing at least some kind of partial personal log of these times. Someone said to me today, “I’m freaked out that you’re freaked out. You’re usually so unflappable.” And, I admit, it got to me yesterday, I put all the news feeds back on, watched borders close, started hearing about confirmed cases within two or three degrees from me.

“I mean, I’m Generation X. We all assumed this was coming, and we’ve all been ready for decades to cut you for clean water. And, since we were the generation left to roam the streets, let ourselves in and sit around alone for hours, we are entirely prepared for all this, because we learned the tools and emotions were dunned out of us early.

“It’s still a weird moment.”


Welcome to what Harper called in an email earlier “Coronapocalypse.” Day two of absolute isolation, pollen picked a fucking week to start coating everything, Cat hasn’t eaten me yet, and it turns out that Outlander is surprisingly good.

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