You can’t eat just one…

Oh — that’s R*u*ffles, isn’t it?

In volunteering to do more for Sidewalk, my favorite group of people in town, I’ve apparently signed up to help sell raffle tickets.

I’m not a salesman. Used to be; would rather die choking on someone’s hair than go back. But it’s a good cause — the money raised is split evenly between Sidewalk and Artwalk (another fine group of folks, raising cultural awareness by nearly double in this town).

So here’s the deal:

  • The raffle tickets are a mere $5 apiece.
  • The raffle is for a 1971 Vintage Vespa (that’s a scooter, for those of you in the wonder — and a rather sexy one at that).
  • You don’t have to be present to win. Though, the Vespa’s being awarded at the Sidewalk Film Festival award ceremony, so you might be there anyway, right?
  • If I sell enough boxes of Girl Scout Vespas, I get neat prizes.

    (I’m thirteen, all over again, only without the cracking voice and acne breakout)

Contact me at kenn at insomniactive dot com if you’re interested.

Hey, even if the Vespa’s not your thing, you’re supporting local film and art, and that’s nothing but a good thing. Spread the word, and send ’em my way.

4 thoughts on “You can’t eat just one…

  1. Said writer director must have actually finished a film, first.


    So buy a raffle ticket. Molly would look really kewl driving a Vespa. Cooper, too.

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