Drive down the road from the theater toward the steakhouse, an old CD playing too loudly on the soon-to-be-replaced stereo. The sun is at the perfect place in the sky, behind me and to the left, not so low as to be in a mirror, casting a cool light over the late afternoon. Almost sunset, May, unseasonably cool, exactly how I wish for it, and I feel like I’m in another town, far away,
The movie was wonderful, a perfect beginning to my Saturday, a perfect extension of a beautiful Friday leading to a Sunday with potential. And this is the perfect moment, find the center and snapshot for later nostalgia.
Regarding the past few days and weeks and months; regarding the last thirty-odd years:
I am confused, and perplexed, and intrigued, and just as unsurprised to find that theories about the way the universe works have more evidence to substanitate them.
I am hopeful, perhaps too much so given past hopes and moments of excitement, that perhaps I was wrong about so many important things, important to me, not wrong as much as wrong to doubt.
I am in awe of the paths that the universe lays out, and how they cross.
I wonder if we find evidence to fit our theories, ignoring that which doesn’t — the theory in question being that the universe unfolds as it will, and that everything happens in its own time, for reason — or if I just question too much, if I am too skeptical for my own good. It’s difficult for me to take things at face value.
I was told last night that I am one of the smartest people that she’s knows, and that’s quite the compliment. It didn’t quite click last night, but this afternoon it really struck me. And it falls into place given another conversation snippet, regarding context. A statement that the sentiment of a compliment given is not necessarily equal to the sentiment of a compliment received, and from my perspective, it’s so important and relevant to consider the source of the compliment.
I am told that the greatest gift you can ever give a woman is the jealousy of her friends.
I believe in kindred spirits, and a right and just universe, and breaking promises of self, and that perspective defines good and bad.