The word for today is amusing confluence

No, that’s only one word. Get over it.

I am amused. I am amused at the ways of the universe, the ebb and flow of the rhythms of this strange, strange cosmos that I inhabit.

City Stages didn’t suck too badly this year, though I suspect that my feelings there are related to the lack of time I spent there. Lynam does not, in fact, suck, by the way.

And how can I not be fascinated by Christina? Especially given the … erm. Coincidence?

Yes. Coincidence. Let’s leave it at that.

Don’t want to spill all the amusement at once…

No more night time buddies. Andrew was seen off at Dave’s tonight, and in quite a memorable stupor. Memorable to everyone but him, of course… but I seem to think I might have photographic evidence.

Julie would be so amused… Heh.

I sense that, perhaps, I am on the verge of a turnaround.

Wishful thinking, perhaps, but I’m due.

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