Saw my first movie of the summer. Oh, sure, technically, SWIII: George Lucas Raped My Childhood was in the summer. But I didn�t see that so much as sit through it to complete the nightmare. No� last night was BATMAN BEGINS. The comic book junkie in me was VERY impressed: the story details and atmosphere found a nice groove somewhere between the Golden Age Batman and some of the more modern writing. Nice nods here and there to little details from the Batman universe (mentions of Zsasz and Arkham Asylum, for instance). Gary Oldman�s Jim Gordon is spot on perfect � amazing to see Oldman play someone not creepy. Michael Caine is a great Alfred, Liam Neeson played a great tweener villain, and Christian Bale is amazing as Wayne/Batman (really, two characters by the end).
The score by Hans Zimmer was amazing � a nice return to Ziimer�s dark strengths. The cinematography in Gotham was great � like a nightmare version of Chicago, but not at all Goth-y like Tim Burton�s version. And for the most part, Christopher Nolan really nailed the job; I think he�s the perfect director for Batman, as he�s not a cartoon superhero as much as a psychological symbol in light and shadow. BUT� man, someone else needs to co-direct with Nolan next time, only on the fight sequences. There was one moment that the chaotic mess was appropriate, but for the most part, the fights were an on-screen clusterfuck. Not that I could have done better, especially given some of the scenes, but they really needed a more experienced touch.
I�m now hesitant to go see another movie � I think I�m just going to let the summer end on a good note.
“SWIII: George Lucas Raped My Childhood”
Hah. So true.
Painful, but true…