BREAKING NEWS: Be sure to check newsstands shortly for the latest issue of mental_floss magazine — I have a new piece in this issue (the annual 10 issue), “10 Recent Sightings of Einstein” (or something to that effect). It’s a collaboration between myself and Wade Kwon — amazingly, the first collaborative effort between us (that I can think of, at least) in over 25 years.
Also, for those wondering what the hell this post means: Pluto was downgraded from a planet yesterday. Pluto will now be in a new class of dwarf planets (or, to be PC, little planets).
George Bush: He’s not retarded.
Oh, my God. He really just admitted that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11? He’s not retarded; he’s just undoubtedly the worst president — well, of my lifetime. I don’t have much of a history background, so maybe there were worse. But I doubt it.
Lewis Black is brilliant. And Jessica Simpson — still not so hot. Maybe with a little sign of intelligence behind those eyes?
Alan Moore: “I don’t think I’ll ever personally break even on Lost Girls. But it remains one of the works I’m most proud of. It’s not about the money. It’s about the accomplishment. I’m a very smug show-off at heart. I’m altogether too pleased with myself. The big boost for me is to be able to turn out something that I think is pretty marvelous, like Lost Girls. I’m not in it for money, I’m just in it for the glory. Me and Melinda think that Lost Girls is pretty glorious.” More at the Onion AV Club…
Since when is dual plagiarism a “collaboration”?