Kasey tells me I’m wrong, so I’m calling her out.

I am a male, raised in a western culture that glamorizes violence and demonizes the human body even while we proclaim that we were created in the image of our God. I am unapologetic about the fact that, for whatever core psychological reason, I am fascinated to the point of near-obsession with the female body — especially those parts that you can’t show on network TV without risking boycotts from the people who wouldn’t know a nice body if they paid $100 for a half hour with one.

Yeah, Britney Spears in the Toxic video? Hot. Angelina Jolie in leather? Hot. Scarlett Johansson in oxygen? You had me at “restraining order.”

Now, granted, I’ve got some occasionally odd visions of beauty – at least, this is what my guy friends tell me. I have NO INTEREST WHATSOEVER in Paris Hilton, even as a mindless, soulless object of lust (does anyone else find it odd to imagine objectifying her? Don’t you need something beneath the surface to be objectified?). Kate Moss is too thin; I want badly to take her to a buffet before even thinking of her in bed. And I’ve always included (apparently) uncommon women on my “top ten” lists — Maura Tierney, Julia Stiles, Sarah Chalke. Out of all the girls on LOST, who’s my favorite? The psychologist.

There’s this thing that I call nerdsexy, and it’s probably the hottest thing in the world to me, because it works on a physical level and a mental level as well — as opposed to the Maxim marketing department, which goes straight for the libido and not much else. It’s the librarian look — hair pulled up, wearing the glasses. Only I have no need to see her let the hair down, a la every Clairol commercial since 1978.

The nerd part has to do with personality and intelligence, sure, but there’s a sincerity that’s important to me. The current trend — at least as it appears to me, who hasn’t had a run-in with trendiness since about 1984 — is for the emo girls to carry a sort of geek chic look, but that’s so far removed from what I’m talking about. No, the nerdsexy comes from within, and it’s not so much even about being a nerd, but about being so amazingly attractive without having the first clue in the world.

It makes me sad on some levels that these girls, like my friend Kasey, don’t realize how beautiful they are. It tells me that they haven’t heard it enough, and that’s sad. It amazes me, too — how people (guys, girls, friends, family, whatever) can’t take five seconds out of their day to complement the people around them is just weird and alien to me.

But I’m really happy, too, that these girls are out there, carrying themselves meekly and unassumingly as they go about their day. They get self-conscious when they come out in public without a bra, because they don’t want to be stared at (not realizing that so many girls in the past few years have started doing so that no one notices any more). They don’t think twice, on the same hand, about dressing down, because it’s not about the physical — even though it could be, so easily. If these women were aware of how guys look at them, of how sad and pathetic and testosterone controlled we all are, they could have the world in their pocket — and yet they’re not, and so they carry on.

That’s nerdsexy. You place the attitiude of someone who has no interest in using sex as a weapon or gamepiece in the body of one of the most beautiful women you will ever meet, and you’ve got nerdsexy.

If you meet one of these girls, pay attention. Sure, the Angelinas of the world are more apt to stand out in a crowded room, but they’re a dime a dozen next to the nerdsexy. Rare, hard to spot, and impossibly elusive, the nerdsexy is a beast that should be appreciated at every opportunity.

Once in a while…

…I miss my siblings. They’ve all gone scattered across the country — two little sisters and a kid brother. New York, Kansas, and North Carolina.

It doesn’t happen often, but sometimes it’s overwhelming. Terribly, terribly overwhelming. Not much makes me feel old, except for realizing that these three that I watched over as babies are now out on their own, doing far better in the world than I could ever hope to do myself. I’m so very proud of all of them, all for different reasons.

Hope you guys are all taking over the world one city block at a time right now. Or sleeping, like the normal folk do, I hear.

What is wrong with the world?

You’ve got curfews in the Middle East to try to stem the brutality that’s been uncontrolled since we “won the war.”

You’ve got men killing their wives and babies.

You’ve got Kid Rock and Scott Stapp in a sex video, and corrupt politicians while a nation seemingly turns a blind eye, and theft and rape and arson.

All this, and I’m stuck inside on a day like this?

Where did the world go wrong?  Oh, Lord, why have you forsaken me.?

Ask, and ye shall receive: the history of me, part I: turning points.

Too many complaints about how sweet and nostalgic I’ve been lately have led me to think back upon what brought me down this road to who and what I am today. It’s not a particularly exciting tale, for the most part, but one worth sharing, perhaps in the hope that someone out there might glean from my story a bit of useful wisdom.

I was brought into this world in the fall – November 4, to be precise, 1383. It was a hard time for my parents and my 17 older siblings; money was tight, the crops had been turning in poorly for the past four seasons, and my poor father had recently contracted a disfiguring (but slightly comical) round of gonorrhea from the local bathing pool. It was indeed fortunate, though, that I arrived when I did, for my birth made my immediate family eligible for Scotland’s long-forgotten “Party of 20” lottery — which we won! Imagine the odds of actually taking home all of that money; I imagine that the McHenry’s still fume over the loss. Continue reading

Nerds in Love

“all of the flowers
all of the flowers i gave her
she burned them
burned them”
– Type O Negative

Birmingham is a really small town. In some ways, it’s the perfect game of ‘Six Degrees’ — sooner or later, everything in this town starts connecting, a wickedly beautiful web that draws together everyone and everything in it.

There was the lawyer and musician, some twenty or so years my senior, who I met when he was a client at TapeSouth. He later went on to do a lot of work with Daniel, and it was at Daniel’s home studio that I talked to him one day about his days in California, some of which were spent building a commune — a commune that my ex-wife’s mother was living at.

There was discovering that Melissa was originally supposed to have attended RLC with me instead of her zoned high school. And even having missed each other there, finding out that we attended the state finals of Trumbauer (a high school drama competition) together. Aside from becoming my wife for a while, she’s also easily one of the most naturally gifted actresses I’ve ever met in my life, and stars in Muckfuppet.

One of favorites, though not smacking of coincidence as much, was Maria. She lived next door to Jen, after our divorce in ’94. I moved in down the way from both of them in the spring of ’96 (Jen and I have always remained friends — not always close, but never, thankfully, the sort of bitter enemies so many ex-couples become), and although I can’t remember how it happened, or why, Jen decided to set us up on a date. Continue reading

He Ain’t Heavy. He’s My Brother. But one day he will be huge.

Like a hero I’ve always seen you even though I would never say
And through the years, the laughter and the tears,
it’s you who were strong in the right and the wrong –
a tribute to the world that blood is thicker than water.
-Steve Vai, Brother

This is James, although you might find it easier to refer to him as The Dairy Queen. I do. I’m not entirely sure why that is, but it makes me chuckle, and I think it might you, as well.

I have other pictures of him that are probably horrifically embarrassing. For twenty dollars, I’ll send them to you. Copies, of course. They say a picture is worth a thousand dollars, and I’ve got bills to pay, baby. Continue reading

For Bree. I hope this makes you smile. Unless smiling hurts. Then, I hope it bores you to tears.

Today’s reading is from the Book of St. Raustus – chapter 10, verses 1 through 8:

1. Yea, and the Lord God said unto His followers:
2. “Want not ye for change, nor excitement, nor tales of action and intrigue featuring cameo appearances by Matt Damon.”
3. And the people looked to Him, and knew it was Good.
4. And the Lord spake again, this time with Thund’rous Might:
5. “Love thy fellow man; treat him with the same Kindness and Respect that you would show any of My children.
6. “Love also thine enemy, for the lessons you learn from him are Good and True. Without the enemy, there is no plot, and a life without plot leads to Art Films.”
7. And a whisper spread through the crowd, as they nodded as one in agreement.
8. “But move silently, like the Ninja. Garb yourself in robes of fleece, for they clothe you in silence and warmth.”

In today’s trying, ever-changing times, we might find it difficult to find our way through the world. It’s hard to keep a smile on your lips in the face of terrorism, in the face of liberals pushing their “facts” and “knowledge” at your from every direction, in the face of the presumably legal young amateur model looking up at you from the trunk of the stolen car, a tiny glistening tear in her eye. But carry these words of Faith with you, and your days can be filled with the Love and Grace and sanctity of the universe.


A special note to all new members: fried chicken and Martha Parson’s famous macaroni and cheese will be served ’round back of the barn immediately following today’s final hymn, “How Great Thou Art (In Bed)”.

…. oh, stop. We’re just kiddin’. FRIENDS, right? Ross, Chandler? Jennifer Aniston? Yeah, that show got some laughs ’round the confessional here, indeedy.

Death comes sweeping down the hallway

At the age of 12, in the woods behind Indian Springs School south of Birmingham, Alabama, I smoked my first cigarette. It was not bad, as I remember it — obviously it wasn’t too terrible, as I kept on going.

That’s 22 years of smoking, folks, a full two-thirds of my life. Most of the past 16 have been at about two packs a day. I’m not even about to add up the number of actual cigarettes smoked, or the cost. Doesn’t matter anymore, because I’m through. Yesterday, I smoked 6 cigarettes, versus my usual 40. Continue reading

If I were a through-stop, this is how it would go.

I don’t know if you guys ever take the time to browse through the links I’ve provided for you over on the right, but you should. I’ve painstakingly poured over every single blog in existence on the Interweb, and sorted through all the poorly written, unfunny, and ethically and logically challenged conservative blogs — I’ve swum through shit to find you the pearls.

For instance, Clublife, Boobs… and Dooce are all really well written, and a nice cross section of life and writers from across the States. Falling Sky is similar, and also provides the international flavor around here. Mona and Trix (of Bated Breath) keep the temperature warm in the winter and steamy in the summer. Wade’s got a real talent for words for a guy who has never left Birmingham (don’t fall for his stories — he’s actually a brain in a jar, connected to a word processor and a wireless network card). Warren Ellis is the best writer ever.* And Something Positive is always late (sorry, Randy).

And the newest addition to the herd: Blog of Unfathomable Profundity. The best review I’ve heard so far: “I don’t get it.” But frankly, I think you should visit it, if you’re not afraid of laughing so hard you pee a little. Drennen�s words strike at the core of all that is good and humorous in the world, particularly in his tales of unrepentant pedophilia, and the blackface galleries he sometimes features� There are those who say the running commentary by the profoundly retarded eight year old girl is unnecessary, but in the hands of a master like Drennen, unnecessary is the new 30� Highly recommended by the amputee prostitute who hangs out in front of my apartment building.

*Oh, except for Stephen King and Chuck Pahlaniuk. And Neil Gaiman’s pretty good, so I should probably include him. Oh, and Cait Kiernan, while I’m thinking of it. Clive Barker, of course. You know who else is pretty good is Mick Foley, the wrestler. Yeah, he’s got some talent there. And Steve Martin, too. Jon Stewart is fucking funny, as is Al Franken. But Ellis is good, too.