Category Archives: Uncategorized
Good thing he wasn’t just tiny…
BBC NEWS | Europe | Impotent husband must pay damages: “An Italian man who married without telling his bride he was impotent must pay damages for abusing her ‘right to sexuality’, a top court has ruled.”
Anyone else still think that premarital sex is totally without merit?
Reference material no 478.342.01
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | US robot builds copies of itself: “US researchers have devised a simple robot that can make copies of itself from spare parts.”
So. Freaking. Kewl.
T-800, here we come!
And boy, is the babysitter’s face red…
BBC NEWS Rare Spain lynx cub dies in fight: “One of three lynx cubs born in captivity in Spain in March has died after a fight with one of its siblings.”
Any time I’m reading an article like this, I’m reminded of LIFE OF PI. And if you’re not reminded of the same, then you need to go read the book, too. Look, I’ve even included a helpful link – you have no excuse.
More PT
Maybe it’s time to stop swimming
Maybe it’s time to find out where I’m at
What I should do, where I should be
No one will give me a map…
Those crazy Walkmans…
BBC NEWS | Personal stereo ‘deafness fears’: “Listening to personal stereos at high volumes could lead to hearing problems, a leading health specialist has warned.”
Cause we didn’t hear this tweny five years ago…
One red flag, coming right up…
Passed on to me by someone who shall remain unnamed. Because I want all the attention of scary government agents, all to myself:
Three Texas surgeons were playing golf together and discussing surgeries they had performed. One of them said, “I’m the best surgeon in Texas. A concert pianist lost 7 fingers in an accident. I reattached them, and 8 months later he perfomed a private concert for the Queen of England.” One of the others said, “That’s nothing. A young man lost both arms and legs in an accident. I reattached them, and 2 years later he won a gold medal in field events at the olympics.”
The third surgeon said, “You guys are amateurs. Several years ago, a cowboy, who was high on cocaine and alcohol, rode a horse head-on into a train traveling 80 miles an hour. All I had left to work with was the horse’s ass and a cowboy hat. Now, he’s President of the United States.”
I did NOT escape. They gave me a day pass…
I always want to take off running when I make eye contact with approaching policemen. The goal, of course, is to run for the nearest building — public, private, whatever. Then, when approached (under extreme suspicion, presumably) by the police from whom you just fled, you calmly explain that, while in college, you were given a post-hypnotic suggestion that eye contact with authority figures gives you intense and brutal diarrhea.
I wonder if that would fly ,and how long it would take your friends to completely desert you?
Did someone I ate disagree with me?
I feel like there was a bitchin’ rave in my abdomen last night while I slept, and my head was used as a parking deck.
I now officially have so many projects started and pending approval from various departments that I can’t remember what’s where anymore. Even with the help of a Texas-sized whiteboard.
And that’s just at work…
Started actually producing some new work last night. I’ve got the foundation, musically, for a new song; now, once I figure out how to get my computer to record (read: get a new computer so my $200 sound card will work properly), I can build that up and begin playing with arrangements. Lyrics are off to a start, as well, but these feel different — unlike the usual arrangement I have with my muse, these didn’t come to me in a flash. I have a few lines, one half of a verse (maybe a bridge), and that’s where I’m stuck. Here, I’ll share:
Empathic? Empathetic? Turns out it’s all the same on Friday night
But what if all the feelings that I’m reading pass like shadows in the light?
Been listening to a lot of the Decemberists the past few days, so that’s already affecting the content — and is probably a good explanation for the slow pace.
And I’ve put more thought into the overall multimedia … thing … that I’ve been considering. Who knows what will end up happening with that? I’m worried that it will either fall by the wayside out of necessity — I suddenly find myself with other ideas, for songs and a novel — or that the other ideas will be forced aside in order to work on the epic … thing …
Unfortunately, the … thing … and the other ideas are not compatible. I would simply absorb the ideas if that were the case.
Back to feeling nauseous. With power, even.