Damn kids — outta my yard!

Many more thoughts to come, but this:

Five Birmingham Police officers were in the parking lot when two 20-year-old men were shot to death Saturday morning outside Banana Joe’s in Southside.

… is more than a little disturbing to me.  Because Banana Joe’s (what a terrible, terrible name) is within two blocks of my bar.  Because I hear more and more things like this every week.  And because what kind of morons have so little disregard for life (and so much need to prove how manly they are) that they will pull guns after a bar fight with five — FIVE — police officers nearby?

I don’t hold the cops responsible, by the way.  Not in the least.  I do hold the idiot who let the sixteen-year-old into an eighteen-and-up club a little responsible, and the parents (or parental units).  But mostly the weight of all this goes on the people who do these things, and the people who glorify such actions.

And I’m slowly turning into an old person.  Because in my day, when we were gonna pop some caps in someone’s ass over something stupid, we had to walk uphill in the snow both ways to do it.

There is no I in meme

Yup, a meme.  Because I’ve grown utterly uncreative and have nothing of interest to say.


If you want to play:

  1. Leave me a comment saying, “Interview me” or something of an equally pithy nature.
  2. I will respond by asking you 5 questions of a very personal nature. Be warned!
  3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions, or there will be trouble.
  4. You will include this and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
  5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them 5 questions.

(In this case, the questions come from my friend Amy Renee)

1.I know you have a lot of artistic endeavors you are involved in, like playing in a band, making movies, etc., but if you could only do one thing for the rest of your life which would you pick and why?

I think that default has been chosen for me — playing music.  I have a track record of doing a few years worth of inspired (if of questionable quality) work in a given field, and then dropping that area for one reason or another.  Movies, photomanipulation, print design… even writing comes and goes.  Granted, I haven’t really created anything musically in years — coming up on a decade now, in fact.  But I can always enjoy playing.  And I’ve got choices within that, as well — bass, guitar, piano, and (one day, goddammit) cello.

2. What’s the single best most fabulous moment you’ve experienced while working at Bailey’s?

Meeting Cynthia.  That’s too easy.

3.What’s the absolute worst situation you’ve been involved in at the bar in which you work?

And on the flip side is this question.  The answer definitely involves violence, usually incited by one of the douchebags we deal with regularly, but (in the past, thankfully) occasionally by another bartender (etc.).  And I’m not gonna name names, since anyone who knows me and my bar can figure this one out (and lawsuits are not fun).  But good lord — doing damage control and having to worry about getting jumped is about my least favorite thing ever, outside of early morning staff meetings.

4.Okay, you’re on an island by all by yourself , but you’ve been given one book, one DVD, and one CD to entertain you for many many years. What book, CD, and DVD would you want?

The book is Illusions (by Richard Bach), although House of Leaves would be a close second (if only because of all the footnotes that I might finally make it through if left alone and bored for many many years).

The DVD is L.A. Story, hands-down (though I would love to have some sort of mega-super special edition if it’s the only thing I can watch over many years).

Why would you make me pick a single CD?  Can I make it a mix CD of my own choosing?  No?  Erm.  Dream Theater’s SCORE? Steve Vai’s SEX AND REAL ILLUSIONS?  Devin Townsend’s BIOMECH?

I can’t do it. How about my iPod?

5. What do you consider your very best quality to be? Do you think other people would agree with your pick?

My calm head?  My suave and debonair approach to life?  No, I think it must be my self-awareness.  Or at least it used to be. Would others agree?  Depends on how well they know me. And their perspective.

This too has passed…

Since apparently the other team captain never called ours back to reschedule the game that was called due to stupidity, our soccer season ended today.  In a pretty serious loss, but we’ll glibly gloss right over that.

I figured a few months ago when my friend Andrew asked if I was interested in playing on a team with a bunch of other bartenders and bar regulars, it’d be a good idea because at least I wouldn’t be the only one smoking on the sidelines at halftime.  As the season progressed, though, I realized that I was actually enjoying the game and the people that I play with and against — it’s not nearly as competitive and testosterone-bloated as the games I was playing ten years ago, when I decided that I was too old and not nearly competitive enough to be playing anymore.

Not to mention the fact that I got in better shape faster than I expected.  I still won’t be running a marathon anytime soon, but my endurance came back so that — in spite of a pulled quad muscle that I really shouldn’t have run on today like I did — I lasted about 60 minutes of the 90 without hurting for air (or passing out, or vomiting, etc.).  It’s a good feeling, and I’m hoping to do enough this summer so that when the next season begins (Labor Day, I think), I’ll be ready to play the full 90 at closer to top speed.

It’s good to be back.  As long as I don’t do something to myself that makes me regret not having health insurance…


There’s a truth that funerals should be occasions to celebrate the lives of the deceased. There’s a greater importance, though, in celebrating the lives of those that are still here (or that got left behind, if you prefer). They are the ones that have to carry on, that have to adjust to lives with new holes that may never be filled.

One of my best friends has had to deal with more than his fair share of loss in the past year, and at an age that no one should have to face a single death, much less multiples. And while I grieve for those who have left us, and miss them, it is him that I feel the most for, as I watch him struggle to heal and move on and continue to do what the others cannot: live.

No-Man’s new CD Schoolyard Ghosts happened by coincidence to arrive in my mailbox today, and it couldn’t have been more fitting:

you survived another winter.
you survived where nothing grew.

the days felt cold and never changing,
so you just slept the whole way through.

when you think about the future,
it’s like the past, but hard and small.

an old idea you stole from someone.
a borrowed dream that’s born to fall.


take a taxi through the snow
tell them you love them,
don’t let go.

through the tunnel moving slow,
tonight’s there’s nowhere
you won’t go.

you survived yourself.
you survived inside the lost world.
the dreams of love repeat.

subways sing with heated calls –
the g-string sirens walking tall.
summer fires turn winter dreams.
an old romantic’s hotshot schemes.

you survived yourself.
you survived inside the lost world.
the ghosts of harm retreat.


sweet surrender to the night.
sweet surrender to the light.
the dreams of love repeat.

Celebrate the lives of those around you today, and celebrate your own life before there are holes of your own that you have to deal with.  And don’t forget to tell the people you love that you do, because every chance to do so might be your last. But don’t dwell on the inevitable; try instead to appreciate the finite.

If I weren’t already refusing to vote for Clinton (no matter what)…

From Wired (http://blog.wired.com/27bstroke6/2008/05/calling-on-lamo.html):

Could Lamont “Action” Williams have teamed up with “Women’s Voices Women Vote,” the reportedly pro-Clinton group that has admitted responsibility for the calls? If so, was it part of getting the word out about his candidacy? Has Lamont “Action” Williams been offered a VP slot? Regardless of his involvement, I’m going to take a good hard look at this wrestler candidate. He may have just stolen my heart, and my vote.

Also at NPR (http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=90114863).

And no, I don’t think Hillary is necessarily behind this, but if her supporters are this bad, then I don’t want to be counted among them.

Short Movie Review: Iron Man

IRON MAN — it’s a tie between Chris Nolan’s first Batman movie and this for best comic book movie to date. Seriously brilliant fun for fans and newbies alike.

Robert Downey: never a better casting choice ever, except maybe Michael Caine as Alfred. Tony Stark seemed to me to be a character that no one could pull-off, because he walks a fine line between charming billionaire playboy and total douchebag (even prior to the recent Civil War character changes).  Downey has the perfect take, though, and you can’t help but like him.

The writing and Downey and Gwenyth Paltrow make for possibly the best ever onscreen super-hero romance. Not too much, not too little.

The movie itself: nothing short of brilliant.  Tons of tiny things for comic nerds like me to notice, excellent effects, and a perfect mix of real-world and pop-art fantasy.  Spot-on music choices.  If this is a sign of the increase in quality we’ll be seeing now that Marvel has more control over their movies, then the future looks good.

If there’s one complaint I have, it’s that I kept waiting for Obidiah Stane to fix himself a White Russian.  But maybe I’ve just watched The Big Liebowski too many times.

Oh, and a hint — stick around after the credits.  Wait it out — it’s so beyond worth it.

Today’s round-up of amusements

Wacky Indians (with potential for a good drinking game):

What could distract you from the size of Christina Ricci’s forehead?

Her eyes! Oh, God, her eyes!

Remote controlled cars + Nintendo nostalgia + WAAAAAY too much time on their hands:


For Cyn:

Kittens-Coca Cola Box

And lastly, bestly: Bill O’Reilly is now lobbing softballs for Keith Olbermann. Proof? He claims that “We didn’t invade Iraq.” (via Digg)

Earth Day

Devin Townsend is brilliant and mad:

Terria Shut up and think of something more important to say…
‘Sometimes I think that in every straight there’s a gay!’ Something or nothing a whole either way it’s a way,
it’s a way, it’s a way, it’s a way, it’s a way
it’s a way, it’s a way, it’s a way, it’s a way

Go buy it now.

In other news, I don’t want to hear anyone tell me I’m a good bassist for at least a week. Thanks to Steven McCullough from the Big Tasties (who should be sitting in with us tonight for a little birthday treat to him), I’ve been listening to the Bill Withers classic Use Me for the past hour. Granted, I’ve never been into soul or funk, and that’s SOOOOOOOOOO to my detriment as a bassist, because gadDAMN! – THIS is a bassline.

And now I hate myself, just for a little while.

Everyone should read this

Armageddon in Retrospect (Feel free to skip this review, if you like, and jump straight to the book. The title of this post refers to the latter; this once, I won’t be hurt.)

There’s a magic in Vonnegut’s writing that I’ve never found in any other. I’ve found many an author that can take me in, that can transport me and move me, but no other can touch my (cliche? why not?) soul like the late KVJ. Walking away from a reading of some of his books leaves that same ethereal, other-worldly, drugged feeling that I go coming out of my first theatrical viewings of The Matrix and Memento. Sure, I’ve got plenty of movies that I’ve loved in my life, but so very few that profoundly affected me on a core for which I have no words.

There were a few of his books — like Cat’s Cradle, maybe, or a few of the shorts in Welcome to the Monkey House — that, as wonderful as they were, didn’t hit me any harder than my other favorites (Palahniuk, McCammon, King), but at the top of his game, Vonnegut is king, and the posthumous Armageddon in Retrospect is a fitting memorial landmark for his kingdom.

Before reading the short fiction and essays collected in Armageddon, it’s best to have read Slaughterhouse Five, his absurdist novel memoir of his experience as a POW who survived the Allied firebombing of Dresden, Germany in 1945. The two work wonderfully together to show, both through the words and the tone, the effects and the horror of war. None of this comes across as preachy, though it definitely has a distinct point of view.

After reading Armageddon, it seems a lot clearer to me why so many politicians who have never seen combat (or served in anything more dangerous than a Guard reserve unit) have no reservations about sending people into war for any reason other than absolute necessity. I think that if more people in positions of power had seen and experienced anything even remotely close to what obviously shaped so much of Vonnegut’s life, then a number of conflicts (such as we are currently engaged in in Iraq, for instance) would never have happened, and uncountable decisions in the course of wars might be a little better considered.

Timequake Perhaps those sitting in higher places should be forced to read and memorize both Armageddon in Retrospect and Slaughterhouse Five, as well as the tragically overlooked and underrated Timequake (in which the entire world is forced to relive ten years in realtime, both successes and tragedies). Maybe then they’d be more careful (and not to imply that all wars are based on cavalier decisions, though I’m certain that there are a few of those) about considering the costs of their goals, and whether the two balance in the end.

But probably not, because there are other things at stake besides regret and understanding atrocity, like oil rights and the wants of their cronies.

So it goes.

Rest well, Kurt, and know that you made a mark on at least one of us.