She is…

(we call this foreshadowing)

She is hygge.
She is the X on the lonely adventurer’s forbidden treasure map.
She is petrichor after a long summer’s drought, evanescent.
She is fernweh – Scotland, Ireland, rural Japan, places with history I can’t comprehend.
She is paradox: the complexity of simplicity, the awe-inspiring simplicity of the deeply complex.
She is the unexpected delivery of a single stargazer lily, from a secret admirer.
She is lagom.
She is serendipity.
She is a radiant smile cast freely into the world, resplendent, incandescent, lighting all, eradicating shadows, adding extra hue to everything it touches.
She is saudade.
She is aliferous, threatening to bring me to close to the sun.
She is reverie.
She is ataraxia.
She is rarity, a curio, arcane, selcouth, impossibly unique.
She is aware.
She is apricity, and Elysian, catharsis.
She is kalon.
She is a zephyr when no shade is to be found, psithurism in autumn.
She is frisson.
She is mamihlapinatapei.
She is stardust, stellar, too enormous in depth and breadth to fully comprehend but entrancing nonetheless.
She is a mermaid, singing, each to each, and I think she will sing to me.

“God created war so that Americans would learn geography.” 

Mark Twain, of course.

“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”
– Albert Einstein

There are plenty of good reasons for fighting…but no good reason to ever hate without reservation, to imagine that God Almighty hates with you, too. Where’s evil? It’s that large part of every man that wants to hate without limit, that wants to hate with God on its side. It’s that part of every man that finds all kinds of ugliness so attractive….it’s that part of an imbecile that punishes and vilifies and makes war gladly. – Kurt Vonnegut

I hope the best for the Ukrainian people, and the Russians as well. Putin and those who are behind this mess — meh, not so much. And I imagine and hope one day, karma will boomerang back on them for all the misery and suffering they are creating.

Lots of good quotes about war scattered about . But maybe most relevant, if hyperbolic at this early stage of the game (to remind myself that the glass can be half-full just as easily as half-empty):

I try to keep deep love out of my stories because, once that particular subject comes up, it is almost impossible to talk about anything else. Readers don’t want to hear about anything else. They go gaga about love. If a lover in a story wins his true love, that’s the end of the tale, even if World War III is about to begin, and the sky is black with flying saucers. – Kurt Vonnegut

A Return to Hope (Captured)

How long has it been?, he asks himself silently. And he honestly doesn’t know — time has stretched and compressed and warped so much that the ten years his math tells him could be a day or a century. How long since I didn’t feel like a machine, like an emotionless computer processing 0s and 1s and not much more?

The rain blows against the window at his head, soft chit repeating at irregular intervals as the wind shifts. A cat paces back and forth at the foot of the mattress, whining quietly that his usual spot is not easily accessible. There’s the familiar whir and occasional puff of cool from the tower fan to his left. There’s a smell of clean shampoo, fruit-scented? and WONDERFUL, and the weight of her right arm across his chest, firm but light as an autumn ocean breeze. Cool, soft, alien but so familiar from his wandering daydreams. Her hand on his shoulder, touching the tattoo, her fingernails occasionally digging as she dreams of whatever beautiful aliens dream of.

The past years, he had suspected he was slipping away from himself. There were moments of his old and familiar self, but fewer and further between as the decade had progressed. Hobbies had fallen to the side, passion projects had run out of steam, and inspiration had been muted, barely a whisper in the fog of his nights. The one constant had remained working with computers — solving problems with a tool that did what and only exactly what you told it to do. Little wonder, then. Easier to think in 0s and 1s than admit you’ve gotten too lazy and tired to keep up with the people around you. It’s admonishment that echoes in his head routinely, motivation mistaken consistently for self-deprecation. Easier to bury your feelings than admit people don’t seem to understand or care.

Her forehead is pressed gently against his cheek, her bare abdomen and hips solidly against his. He listens to her breathing softly, and is convinced for a moment that this is all a dream, nothing more than a dream, a passing jumble of neural signals he’ll forget with the dawn. I need a camera, he thinks. A full range view of this room, this moment, this beautiful human beside me. And the talent to use it, to capture this, that it’s not forgotten and lost in the shadows of my brain. He feels her leg crooked over his, soft and cool and so comforting, feels her gentle breath on his neck, smells the slight undertones of bourbon and cigarette.

He takes in the details, every one, from her head to her toes and back, again and again. Repeats what he sees, hears, smells, feels, more granularly with each pass. Draws an image, carves a tableau, ingrains the essence of a three-dimensional holograms, over and over and over until the moment is as real inside as out.

And smiles. Not in binary, not with the purpose of solving a problem, not with concern for tomorrow or yesterday, but at peace and in the moment, words and sensations his own camera.


Wilderun - Epigone Review | Angry Metal Guy

If there’s been one constant in my life, one consistent thread that connects all the disparate phases that are past mes, it’s music. If you ask me what my most memorable Christmas was, the details are gone, but I very intensely recall getting Electric Light Orchestra’s “Out of the Blue” and Queen’s “News of the World” when I was seven or eight. I keep my earbuds in pretty much all day when I’m coding. Just about every bit of writing I’ve done (especially my screenplays) are done to playlists I construct prior to setting down word one.

I know they say that your music tastes get locked in when you’re in your teens and twenties, and to some extent I can agree with that, but I’ve never stopped seeking out new music. The trick for me is that a) I’m really weirdly picky about what really moves me (extending to vocal qualities, production values, and other niggling details) and b) my primary genre is pretty damn niche (progressive metal ain’t something you stumble across every day — well, not the good stuff, anyway). So, at the beginning of this week, when I stumbled across a review of Wilderun’s “Epigone”, my year was made.

The first thing I actually heard was their cover of Radiohead’s Everything in the Right Place — if it hadn’t been that, I’m not sure that I would have given them a chance. I’ve been disappointed too many times, and it’s made me reticent to check out new bands. But this? One of the most epic covers I’ve ever heard.

It’s faithful to the original, importantly. At the same time, it’s — well, it’s gigantic. Immense. Towering. And it encapsulates the rest of the album. The massive production, with so many things nestled into the mix that you might not notice until subsequent listening, is something that I seek out actively. The seamless shifts between gentle and brutal are both jarring and not. And — most amazingly — they combine so many genres that shouldn’t work together but do. If you told me late last week that I’d be listening on repeat to a progressive metal band that has elements of doom, death, Viking/folk, and symphonic power, I’d laugh, because there’s no way I’d get into that, right?


Nope. These guys are mind-blowing. Even the parts of the parts of the album that I know logically I wouldn’t normally like are crucial to the flow of the album. And the lyrics are beautiful, to boot. “She is a mountain / Within a storm / How beautifully weathered / With no effort…”!

Normally, I’m lucky to find a song every four or five albums that give me frisson. Epigone has five that I can actively point out (such as the shift at 4:13 in Passenger).

Point of all this – don’t stop looking for more of what makes you happy. It’s out there, if you’re patient and keep your eyes (or ears) open.

After the Flood

Shadows in the sunrise
Angels in the storm
Sorrow without reason
Anger without form

Daylight burns the blind
Passion scars the mind

Driven by forgotten dreams
Blinded by the tears
Scream the silent lullaby
Drown in whispered fears

Daylight burns the blind
Passion scars the mind

Sheltered by a foundless faith
The garden path grows wild
Torn rose petals hide the blood
And the body of the child

Another Night Wasted

Sun falls into madness
Blur the edges
Feel the bottomless raw wound
Speed ahead the last call
Not a bottle left
The emptiness consumed

It’s all in how you look at things

There’s no one left to listen
But this voice is in my head

I believed the promise of the rain
I believed everything she said

Curling in the warmth
I’m not forbidden
I can’t make this disappear
Feel my way through crowded memories
These shadows can’t hide all my fears

…and it’s gone

There’s no one left to listen to the voice inside my head

I believed the promise of the rain
I believed everything she said

I fall
Stumble once again
Hold these breathing walls
Watch a thousand hours spin

The sound of our lives…

The no one left to listen to the voices in my head

I believed the promise of the rain
I believed everything you said


Inside of you I can sleep at last
No pain
Only rain

Mirror speaks of baby angels
Burning under ocean ice
Multiphonic pattern sweat
Sewn-up eyes taste loaded dice

Promise me the beauty of the insane
So real
Inside of you I can sleep at last
No pain
Only rain

Flowers singing visions smear
Ceiling melted by black rain scream
Falling sideways smelling salt
Lines erasing reality dream

Blades of lace in zippered mouth
Mother father twisted strings
Bleeding doll head burial mound
Broken promise tarnished rings

Promise me the beauty of the insane
So real
Inside of you I can sleep at last
No pain
Only rain