When I grow up…

I want to be a grown-up. That’s all; simplicity itself. When I grow up, I want to be a grown up.

I want to have my shit together, internally and externally.

I want to know what I want out of life. No more paradoxical desires — to be rich beyond belief but non-materialistic; to have faith in a higher power but remain open-minded; to be an adult with the heart and mind of a child.

I want to have decided long ago what I want to do with my life, what I would be happy doing for the span of my career.

I want to have practiced and practiced until I’m the best at what I do.

I want to have not screwed myself financially so young; and to have learned from having done so, and not repeated the error time and again.

I want to feel more stable across long spans of time.

I want to not be so aware that things could be worse. I want to not feel bad about wishing for better just because there are others so much worse off than myself.

I want to be able to step back, dissect and analyze my problems, and solve them. A success rate of 3 for 5 seems appropriate.

I want to be compensated for the work I do for other people. And I hope that I can fairly compensate people for what they provide me.

I want to never put the free in freelance. Or the lance either, for that matter.

Or, I want to be an astronaut.

Either one would be fine.

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