Who knew Patrick was the patron saint of amatuer drunks?

Everyone who has been in the bar business for more than one March 17, that’s who.  Especially if March 17th falls on a Friday.

Holy Jagerbomb, last night was hardcore.  I had planned on showing up at 7 PM to get things prepared, but thanks to staying at Bailey’s until 6 AM on Friday morning and thus getting no sleep before the day job, I went in at 6 PM instead, to keep from passing out.  And it turned out to be a good thing, as the parade of future cirrhotics of Alabama started about 6:30.  And from there, it’s mostly a blur…

On the bright side, my bed has never — seriously, never — felt so good, nor the shower that preceded it.  And the second one I just took after waking up after a nice twelve hour nap.  And the ridiculous amount of money I walked away with (I doubled as a back-up bartender and mostly barback last night, working where most needed, so I figured my payday would drop somewhat; consider me pleasantly surprised) didn’t hurt, either.

To the friends that dropped by that I didn’t have time to say hello to — Andrew and Julie, Liesl and Kevin, Laura, Sara, Steve, Franklin, etc.: sorry.  Two nights during the year that I’m probably not gonna be able to speak too much if you’re not working beside me are March 17th and December 31.  But hey, I dropped your tabs as much as I could afford to pick up the excess, so hopefully that made up for it a little?

Back to work.  Tonight’s gonna feel like a vacation – with money, to boot.  I love those kind…

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