
The good things in life are so easily breakable, while the bad things in life take so much effort to get better. Ever notice that?

Must be that entropy thing they keep tossing around in physics labs.

I don’t know that I ever want to see a world completely at peace, because the moment that you accept that yeah — maybe this is it, what we’ve waited all our lives on?  That’s the moment that a moron opens his mouth, says the wrong thing, and the world collapses back into what we all know and love so much.

Is one year of love better than a lifetime alone?  Is it better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all?  Is it preferable to reach the top of the fame and fortune ladder for a few years only to have to return to normal life, or to struggle in clubs for a lifetime and never know the top?

Everyone has their own answer, I guess.

One thought on “Fragile

  1. Perspective is as hard as any other existential conundrum, huh? I get most upset when I realize that most things just come down to how I’m looking at them. Why isn’t there a “just half” option?

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