Clearinghaus: Because I refuse to talk politics at work…

(Cleaning out the saved drafts I’ve started over the past six months; I grow tired of talking politics too quickly to ever finish this)

I realized today that I don’t really have the huge problem with Republicans that I thought I did. Granted, most of their stances on issues and platforms tend to go against my beliefs, but that’s fine — that’s true to some extent with everyone, and I don’t really have a problem with them. A lot of the people that I know have different religious beliefs, different morals, different ideas about economics that I do.

What bothers me are the rabidly intolerant people; it just so happens that a huge chunk of Republicans (at least, the vocal ones) are rabidly anti-anything-that’s-not-them, while most Democrats are more open-minded. Or at least quiet about it.

Maybe the Democrats are just wimps. I’m open to that possibility.

There are, actually, a few things that I side with the Republicans on — a few financial issues, perhaps a social issue here or there. Maybe. More things that I agree with Democrats on, but even still, the idea of voting a straight-party ticket is horrifying to me

As for my vote? I cast exactly one vote for every politician that shares the same views as I do. Which is why I’ve not voted outside of the ’04 election (and sadly, not because I liked Kerry, but because Bush needed to go, and I was willing to send that message, even in this ultra-conservative state), and why I’m excited to vote this November. Assuming, of course, Obama is the Democratic candidate.

I’m not sure that McCain is worth worrying about enough to vote for the sake of voting against him (I’m also not sure that anyone thinking about voting Republican shouldn’t pay more attention to the policies and voting records of whoever his running mate will be). I am, however, pretty sure that voting for Hillary is potentially as bad as lobbying for Bush and company to have a third term in office.

There’s a guy I know through a mailing list I’m on that preaches voting staright Democrat — that any third party vote is a waste, and that voting Republican — at all — is (judging from the hyperbole in his posts) one of the Seven Deadly Sins. But I’m not sure about that. What I am sure of, on the other hand, is that what this country needs more than anything else is a change in the basic, core approach to the Executive office (and others, but that won’t be decided in this election). And I suspect strongly, based on her words and actions over the past months, that Hillary is different from Bush only on the surface. Policies and priorities may be polar opposite, but she’s in the pocket of the haves and out of touch with the growing majority of have-nots (or, to be fair, have-just-not-so-plentifullys).

Now listening to:
Ziltoid the Omniscient

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