There’s One in Every Crowd. Sometimes, a Whole Bunch.

Cynthia’s a bellydancer (and infinitely better — inherently so, from what I’ve seen — than she’ll ever let on). This makes all the guys at the bar delirious with envy, of course, because everyone knows that bellydancers are incredibly hot (true, at least for my wife, one of her friends, and two of the women in the instructional DVDs she owns), flexible (also true), and open to trying new and crazy things (not anymore true than for any other group, sadly).

What the guys don’t realize is that you have to listen to your bellydancing wife practice her zills. Continue reading

If only I cared about the movie itself…

I don’t. Really. But the design on this teaser poster really jumped out at me:

X-Files sequel teaser image

Sure, I’m looking forward to seeing Gillian Anderson as Scully again, and hopefully they’ll bring back some of the quirky behavior to Mulder’s character that made the show worth watching in the first seven seasons (remember the Stephen King penned ceiling full of pencils?). But I refuse to get excited about movies anymore. If only they were more like this poster: simple, sleek, elegant, a little clever, and a whole lot intriguing.

I suppose when you’re making entertainment for the masses, though, it’s better to go for the in-your-face approach with lots of mindless violence and some big breasts thrown about for good measure.

Clearinghaus: Because I refuse to talk politics at work…

(Cleaning out the saved drafts I’ve started over the past six months; I grow tired of talking politics too quickly to ever finish this)

I realized today that I don’t really have the huge problem with Republicans that I thought I did. Granted, most of their stances on issues and platforms tend to go against my beliefs, but that’s fine — that’s true to some extent with everyone, and I don’t really have a problem with them. A lot of the people that I know have different religious beliefs, different morals, different ideas about economics that I do.

What bothers me are the rabidly intolerant people; it just so happens that a huge chunk of Republicans (at least, the vocal ones) are rabidly anti-anything-that’s-not-them, while most Democrats are more open-minded. Or at least quiet about it.

Maybe the Democrats are just wimps. I’m open to that possibility.
Continue reading

Clearinghaus: There’s no crying in bartending!

(Cleaning out the saved drafts I’ve started over the past six months; this one has the seed of a good idea hidden beneath a lot of mold and a really funky smell)

Of all the bartenders I’ve ever known, the best were the ones that weren’t necessarily good mixologists but were unafraid to use whatever tools they had at their disposal to distract from that.

It’s a lot easier to shortpour a group of frat boys when they’re busy focusing on your cleavage.

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One year later…

CL is still CL. But I love her anyway, even if she does think she’s too good to take my last name.

Happy Anniversary, boog. Maybe this time next year I’ll be able to match Sarah Silverman’s anniversary gift to Jimmy Kimmel…


In with the new, out with the old, same old story.

2007: Marriage (third time’s a charm); Money (I really wish I could say that I’m not materialistic, but the more money I make, the more materialism slips back into my life); Music (Roger Waters was the highlight, but 3/Porcupine Tree, Satellite Party [even without the recently departed Nuno Bettencourt], Tool, Modest Mouse, and Ween were all great shows). Another job ends (Gandalf/Estrada), and a return to full-time bartending. Sigh. Lots of traveling about the southeast. A billion statues for Cynthia. HD DVD (thanks, Wade!). Cello (thanks, Mom and Dad!). Beginning and ending the year playing and drinking with the Exhibit(s).

2008: Less wasting time trying to assert control over things I have none over, and more on the things I do. Every day: a little reading, a little writing, a little cleaning. Less often but regularly: music practice, music writing, work. Everything a little bigger and a little better than last year, except for those things that get a little smaller or (hopefully) rarer.

Every step counts when trying to keep moving forward.

Found writings

I Can See Your House From Here

Friends, Romans, countrymen – lend me your ears. I seem to have damaged mine.

In spite of all the naysayers in the artistic community, Birmingham is no different than the rest of the nation. Which is to say, it’s a completely different microcosm: the religious element is stronger, the politics trend toward the conservative, the cost of living is lower, the humidity off the charts. But all in all, Birmingham is the same as Chicago, New York, Los Angeles: we follow some trends, we ignore others, and once in a blue moon, we inspire a few here and there.

Sure, there are no major music labels based here, no well-funded Hollywood-style studios, no empires of artistic production. Those things are secondary to the creative world, though; without the works of the artist, labels and studios and publishers have no raison d’etre. The Atlantics and Sonys and Putnams of the world are businessmen, channeling finance from art. Not that there’s anything wrong with that; those of us who create could certainly use a little more finance in our lives. But to point to the lack of artistic business world in Birmingham as a major weakness belittles the true source of creativity.

Argue the individual importances all you like, but the Magic City has been home to many a nationally recognized entertainment figure. We’ve got musicians (Verbena, Cleve Eaton, Emmylou Harris), writers (Robert McCammon, Dennis Covington, Margaret Walker), actors (Courtney Cox and Kate Jackson). We’re to blame for the area code shirts that everyone wore for a year. Without us, there might be no Alan Hunter, and where would that leave MTV?

Two words: Alan Curry.

If there is a separation between Birmingham and other cities, it might be the support system for creativity. But there, again, I wager that we balance out, looking from a distance like any other city or town in the nation. The audiences are larger at Star Wars than Crash, J. K. Rowland outsells Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., and television is viewed more than all the theater and gallery exhibits together. While the products aimed at the masses will always draw more people than the art that challenges and stimulates, there is still an audience for even the most obscure. Theater productions, art house films, and the collected works of William Burroughs have their fans here, and will continue to do so. Complaining about the small size of your audience as a creator is to ignore the desire for easy digestion by the majority of the world (or your own lack of talent – but easier to blame it on the city, right?).

No, we’re not as influential on the national trends as Los Angeles or New York, but then, we’re not as large. For our size, though, I suspect that we have more than our fair share of impact, just as we are shaped by the endeavors of artists from San Francisco, Miami, Boston, or Austin. And just like those landscapes, ours is filled with hidden treasures, pockets of brilliant riches waiting to be discovered, if only by the few who can divine their beauty.

The American Heritage dictionary defines creative as such: “Characterized by originality and expressiveness; imaginative.” This means two things: we can take Britney Spears off my list of topics to cover, and I can add a lot of areas that people tend to ignore when thinking of creativity. Of course the area encapsulates music, filmmaking, theater, writing, dance, and the rest of the cultural arts, but it’s wrong to forget things like architecture, web design, and advertising – ventures that step outside of entertainment, but benefit from a unique and imaginative approach.

And so, Birmingham, I challenge you: look around and find the creativity that surrounds you every day. Recognize the originality that exists in and is inspired by the city. Note how it is influenced by the rest of the world, and how the rest of the world is influenced by it.

Written 15 May 2005, and promptly forgotten. Oops. I think this was my pitch to the Birmingham Weekly editor for a resurrection of I Can See Your House From Here, a weekly column I wrote for in 2002.

I should really get off my ass and write more.

Rescue Dawn

After watching Rescue Dawn and the documentary on the making of the movie, I’m more convinced than ever that Werner Herzog is more than a little… well, let’s say ‘touched’.

I’m also of the opinion — quite probably due to his background in documentary filmmaking — that he has created one of the greatest films ever made. Rescue Dawn is incredibly difficult to watch, but so rewarding in the end. Keep in mind that I’m the guy who can watch Miike movies without flinching; thanks to Christian Bale and the “non-aesthetic” filmmaking approach of Herzog,though, this stuff is so fucking real it hurts to watch.

It’s not for everyone — there’s a lot that would make anyone uncomfortable, with torture scenes and POW escape conditions — but for anyone wanting to see how truly terrific an actor Christian Bale is (and Steve Zahn, for that matter), or anyone who only knows Herzog from the utter surrealism of Grizzly Man, this is a must see. Filmmakers — the documentary is even more important, particularly the interviews with the DP (whose name escapes me, and I’m too lazy to Google anything on this fine, fine Saturday).