the persistence of time

“Your friends will know you better in the first minute you meet than your acquaintances will know you in a thousand years.”
‒ Richard Bach.

Random but connected (at least in my head) thoughts:

There’s something odd about being an introvert — that weird paradox in which most people are exhausting after a short conversation, but occasionally you find that rare bird that you can spend infinite amounts of time with and never notice that days or weeks have passed.

Connection is incredibly odd and seemingly difficult for someone like me, but the converse side of that is that it’s immediately recognizable when it manifests.

Some connections are strong enough to overcome seemingly anything, even if those connections change their definitions over the years.

One person’s moving too fast is another person’s letting nature take its course. And while I can see see the outside perspective, the only points-of-view that really matter are the internal. At least, if both parties are honest and self-examined.

Balance is the key to success. The proper mix of complimentary and challenging, common ground and exposure to new and different. And if I could define “proper mix”, I feel like I could make a living writing shitty self-help books. Maybe I should give that a shot anyway…

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