a symphony for two instruments

a solitary beam of light
a bridge from heaven to earth
connecting the ears of gods
to the seemingly empty stage

silence builds
and is broken
a lonely and haunting melody
swelling, ebbing, cresting, falling
sweet bowed strings
or perhaps a tender reed

minutes pass
perhaps months
and the tune morphs seamlessly
building upon itself
looping back
all while retaining the theme

and then

a second voice is present
weaving in and out
providing counterpart
creating tension
providing resolution
as though the second voice had been present
all along

both instruments distinct
yet indistinguishable within the moment
moving on their own
in unison with the other

the listener allows themselves
to float
to be absorbed
to be carried along
passed back and forth
handed between the tones
like a newborn
like the rarest of flowers
softly, lightly, gingerly

and as the tide carries them
the duet has become an orchestra
countless tones and chords
singular authors unable to be particulated
a pillow of song
large enough to comfort an entire hall

the sum of two instruments
so much greater than the pieces
when played with the rarest of connections
of understanding
of hearts forged from the same starstuff

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